Electronics questions | form six Physics

(3419) Question Category: Short answers

  1. Draw the symbol of n-p-n transistor
  2. Distinguish between insulators, semi-conductors and metals as far as conduction is concerned.

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(3420) Question Category: Short answers

  1. Distinguish between metals and semi-conductors in terms of energy bands.
  2. Briefly discuss the formation of potential difference barrier (depletion layer) of a p-n-p junction diode.
  3. What is a rectifier?
  4. Using p-n junction diodes, draw the arrangement of a full -wave rectifier and briefly explain how it works

Answer / Solution


(5837) Question Category: Short answers

What are the four important properties of semiconductors?

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(5838) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

If the resistivity of n-type germanium is 0.01Ω m at room temperature, find the donor
concentration given that the mobility of electrons is 0.39m​2​ /volt sec.

Answer / Solution


(5839) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Figure 4 (i) and (ii) shows a transistor circuit and the relationship between the input Vi voltage and output voltage V​o​ ​ respectively.

Figure 4 (i) and (ii) shows a transistor circuit and the relationship between the input V.​ i voltage and output voltage V​ o​ ​ respectively.

(i) What will be the output voltage when L is connected to M?
(ii) How the circuit can be used as switching circuit?

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