Evolution of man, technology and environment questions | form one History

(3122) Question Category: Multiple choices

The advantages of using better tools during the new stone age were the following except

  1. family life became more stable
  2. communities were able to produce more food
  3. division of labour emerged
  4. men became responsible for hunting and defence
  5. settled life discouraged communal life.

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(3123) Question Category: Long answers

Appraise the advantages of iron technology in pre­colonial Africa.

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(3124) Question Category: Multiple choices

Which among the following describes Homosapiens correctly?

  1. Thinking man.
  2. Tool­maker.
  3. Early man.
  4. Modern man.
  5. Man at early Stone Age.

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(3125) Question Category: Multiple choices

1.Man learnt how to make iron tools about 3,000 years ago.
2.In Africa the knowledge of making and using iron tools developed at different
times and different places.
3.It is believed that the first people to make and use iron were the people in Egypt
and Ethiopia around 600 B.C.
4. ___________________________.

  1. The use of iron became very important for development of hunting and gathering in most African societies.
  2. By the beginning of the Christian era the idea of iron was already developed along River Niger basin.
  3. African pastoralist activity was accompanied with iron technology.
  4. Crop and animal husbandry was a crucial turning point in the history of man.
  5. Around 200 B.C. Meroe, Axum and Nok had become important iron smelting centres.

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(3126) Question Category: Multiple choices

Who among the following was the first systematic tool maker and had a bigger brain than that of Zinjanthropus?

  1. Homo Habilis.
  2. Homo Sapiens.
  3. Homo Eractus.
  4. Modern Man.
  5. Modern Apes.

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