Introduction to biology questions | form one Biology

(3742) Question Category: True OR False

Biology is the study of non-living things.

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(3756) Question Category: Multiple choices

An experiment usually tests:
A. application
B. evaluation
C. hypothesis
D. problem identification

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(3757) Question Category: Multiple choices

Animals show irritability, this means they:
A. always move
B. are capable of growing
C. reproduce
D. respond to stimuli.

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(3783) Question Category: Multiple choices

Zoology is defined as the study of

  1. Animals
  2. Fungi
  3. Plants
  4. Cells

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(3809) Question Category: Short answers

(a) (i) What do you understand by the term “laboratory”?
     (ii) Outline four qualities of a good laboratory.
(b) Mention one function of each of the following apparati:
(i) Petri dish
(ii) Mortar and pestle
(iii) Hand lens
(iv) Thermometer

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