Matching items questions | o-level Biology

(6816) Question Category: Matching items

Match the responses in List B with the phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

  1. Useful materials are returned to the blood
    stream from the glomerular filtrate
  2. Gaseous exchange surface of insects
  3. Exchange of materials between blood capillaries and cell
  4. Deamination of amino acid and formation of urea
  5. A substance secreted in bloodstream but brings its effect elsewhere
  6. Allows movement in three planes
  7. The ability of seeds to germinate
  8. Plant parts best for planting Irish potato
  9. Chromosome occurring in unpaired set as in gametes
  10. Body covered with a hard exoskeleton
  1. Diploid
  2. Lungbooks
  3. Liver
  4. Arthropoda
  5. Seed dormancy
  6. Stem cutting
  7. Ultrafiltration
  8. Ball and socket
  9. Diffusion
  10. Hormone
  11. Neurone
  12. Seed viability
  13. Osmosis
  14. Hinge
  15. Stem tuber
  16. Selective reabsorption
  17. Trancheoles
  18. Haploid
  19. Mollusca
  20. Kidney


Answer / Solution


(6817) Question Category: Matching items

Match the phrases in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

  1. Separates the right auricle from the ventricle
  2. Carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body.
  3. Separates the left auricle from the ventricle.
  4. Supply food and oxygen to the heart.
  5. Thick-walled chamber of the heart.
  6. Carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
  7. Blind ended tubes with valves
  8. Have valves at regular intervals to prevent the backward flow of blood.
  9. Contains blood flowing under high pressure.
  10. Caused by narrowing of arteries.
  1. Aorta
  2. Arteries
  3. Atrium
  4. Bicuspid valve
  5. Coronary arteries
  6. Erythrocytes
  7. Heart attack
  8. High blood pressure
  9. Lymphocytes
  10. Lymph vessels
  11. Muscles
  12. Phagocytes
  13. Posterior vena cava
  14. Pulmonary artery
  15. Pulmonary vein
  16. Semilunar valve
  17. Thrombocytes
  18. Tricuspid valve
  19. Veins
  20. Ventricle


Answer / Solution


(6818) Question Category: Matching items

Match the items in List A with the responses beside each item nwuber.

  1. A disease transmitted by flea from rat to man
  2. Transpiration
  3. Causes change in body activity
  4. Outer zone of kidney
  5. Panting in a dog
  6. Care of pregnant woman before delivery
  7. Cotyledons remain underground
  8. Survival of the fittest
  9. Detoxication of poisonous substances in the body
  10. Vitamin C deficiency
  1. Cortex
  2. Medulla
  3. Liver
  4. Lung
  5. Cooling effect in hot conditions
  6. Heating effect in cold weather
  7. Prenatal care
  8. Postnatal care
  9. Meningitis
  10. Plague
  11. Cooling effect on plants
  12. Heating effect on plants
  13. Darwin
  14. Lamark
  15. Epigeal
  16. Hypogeal
  17. Scurvy/ bleeding gums
  18. Anaemia
  19. Effector organ
  20. Receptor organ


Answer / Solution


(6819) Question Category: Matching items

Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

  1. The ability of the body to resist infectious diseases
  2. The main nitrogenous product excreted by mammal
  3. Inheritance of acquired characteristics
  4. Site for photosynthesis
  5. A fatty material that insulates the neurone
  6. Non-communicable reproductive tract disease
  7. The period of growth and development of a fetus in the uterus of a mammal
  8. The observable characteristics of an organism which are genetically controlled
  9. An image behind the retina
  10. A stage in meiosis where exchange of genetical material takes place.
  1. Diplotene
  2. Zygotene
  3. Lamarckism
  4. Darwinism
  5. Chloroplast
  6. Mitochondrion
  7. Immunity
  8. Vaccination
  9. Genotype
  10. Phenotype
  11. Myopia
  12. Hypermetropia
  13. Gestation
  14. Implantation
  15. Hydrocele
  16. Gonorrhoea
  17. Myelin sheath
  18. Node of ranvier
  19. Uric acid
  20. Urea



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