Matching items questions | o-level Physics

(3690) Question Category: Multiple choices

Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.


(i) Apparent loss in weight

(ii) Attractive force between molecules of the same substance

(iii) Load over effort

(iv) Oil and grease

(v) Tangential force on liquid surface

(vi) Temperature at which solid changes to liquid

(vii) The moon is between the Earth and the sun

(viii) Solid changing to vapour directly

A Cohesive force

B Lubricants

C Mechanical Advantage

D Melting point

E Solar eclipse

F Sublimation

G Surface tension

H Upthrust

I Moon eclipse

J Velocity Ratio

K Evaporation
L Adhesive force


Answer / Solution


(3711) Question Category: Matching items

Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number

(i) Apparent loss in weight
(ii) Converts solid into liquid
(iii) Fulcrum between Load and Effort
(iv) Load between Fulcrum and Effort
(v) Occurs between 0 C and 4 C
(vi) Occurs when the anticlockwise moments balance clockwise moments
(vii) The force acting per unit mass
(viii) When lost cooling occurs
A Anomalous expansion of water
B Equilibrium
C First class lever
D Heat energy
E Latent heat
F Principle of moment
G Upthrust
H Second class lever
I Weight


Answer / Solution


(3823) Question Category: Matching items

Match the following items by writing the letter of the correct meaning from list B against the number of the item in list A in the table below at the end of the question.

(i) Isulator
(ii) Osmosis
(iii) Penumbra
(iv) Moment
(v) Voltmeter
(vi) Friction
(vii) Spring balance
(viii) Translucent object
A Product of force and its perpendicular distance from
the point of application of the force
B Measures weight
C Opposes motion
D Moment change
E Instrument for measuring potential difference
F Instrument for measuring relative density
G Movement of molecules from region of high concentration to low concentration
H Osmotic pressure
I Movement of molecules from region of low concentration to high concentration
J Used to measure current
K Measures mass
L Partial darkness
M Total darkness
N Allows light to pass through but human eye can not see through it
O Object that reflects all light falling on it
P Any material which does not allow passage of electricity or heat


Answer / Solution


(3848) Question Category: Matching items

Match the following items by writing the letter of the correct meaning from list B below the roman number of the item in list A in the table below:

List A List B
(i) Latent heat
(ii) Boyle’s Law
(iii) Translucent
(iv) Totally dark shadow
(v) Momentum
(vi) Charles’ Law
(vii) Electroscope
(viii) Clinical Thermometer
A Umbra.
B Product of mass and velocity
C V / T = Constant; when pressure is Constant and T is absolute temperature.
D Heat absorbed or given out without change in temperature.
E Detects presence of static electric charges
F The Pressure of a givent mass of a gas at constant absolute temperature is inversely proportional to its Volume or PV = Constant when T is constant.
G Object which allows a small amount of light to pass through but the human eye cannot see through it.
H Used to measure human body temperature.
I Partial shadow.
J Measures mass.
K Volume related to Pressure.
L Boyle’s dairy farm.
M Charles’ business.
N Penumbra.
O Partial heat.
P Moments round the corner.


Answer / Solution


(3942) Question Category: Matching items

Match the times in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.

List A List B
(i) Newton’s 3 rd Law of motion
(ii) Kelvin
(iii) Proton
(iv) Voltameters
(v) Kwhr
(vi) Radiation
(vii) Intrinsic semiconductor
(viii) γradiation
(ix) Venus
(x) Total Lunar eclipse
A Cells with conducting materials used in
B Used in forming thick and real images
C A measure of electrical work
D Can be detected by means of scintillation counter
E Is used in covering wounds in hospitals
F The moon is in penumbra of the shadow of the
G Action equals reaction
H Thermodynamic temperature
I The moon is in the umbra of the shadow of the
J Rate of change of momentum
K Degrees centigrade
L Measure of power generated
M Heat transfer which requires material medium
N Applied in construction for reinforcing concrete
O A morning star
P A positive charge
Q The heat transfer that does not require matter
R A shooting star
S Pure semiconductor in which external impurity is
not added
T Impure semiconductor with a hole


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