Topographic map interpretation questions | form five Geography

(5063) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

(a) Calculate the photo distance provided that the map distance is 3 inches, map scale is
1:25,000 and photo scale is 1:18,750.
(b) Differentiate the following terms:

(i) Principal point and focal length.
(ii) Flying height and flight line.
(iii) Datum and mosaic.

Answer / Solution


(6393) Question Category: Long answers

Study carefully the map extract of Kimamba (sheet 182/73) provided and answer the following questions:

Kimamba sheet - form five geography questions topographic map interpretation

  1. Calculate the area covered by Sisal Estate in kilometer squares.
  2. With concrete reasons, suggest the type of climate of the area.
  3. Find forward and back bearing of Mbwende grid reference 880395 to Tindiga school grid reference 910405.
  4. Explain three factors which have influenced population distribution in the area.
  5. Describe the type of drainage patterns shown on the map.
  6. Which part of the map is covered by highlands? Give two reasons for your answer.

Answer / Solution


(6394) Question Category: Long answers

Study carefully the map extract of UYOLE Sheet 245/3 then answer the questions that follow.

Uyole sheet - form five geography questions topographic map interpretation

  1. What is the length of the road from grid 680070 to grid 596164?
  2. Measure the area of Poroto Ridge Forest Reserve in km​2​.
  3. With vivid evidences from the map, suggest the main economic activities of the area.
  4. Describe the settlement pattern found in the area.
  5. Identify the features found in the following grid readings.
  6. With evidences from the map, analyse the geological structure of the area.

Answer / Solution


(6395) Question Category: Long answers

Study carefully the map extract of MASWA Sheet 49/2 provided and answer the questions that follow:

  1. Find the distance of the road in Km from grid reference 862486 to grid reference 867624.
  2. Describe the geomorphic processes which might have moulded the landforms in the area.
  3. What are the methods which have been used to represent relief in this map?
  4. With evidence suggest three (3) economic activities carried out in the area.
  5. Explain the site and function of Maswa town.

Answer / Solution


(6396) Question Category: Long answers

Carefully study the map extract of UKIRIGURU Sheet 34/1 provided and answer the following questions.

  1. Draw a map of a district found at the western part of the map by using the scale of 1:100000 and on it show the following:
  1. Boundary of the district
  2. Mwanza – Shinyanga road
  3. Usagara – Fela station road
  4. Railway line
  5. Ngeleka Hill, Jijawenda Hill and Kagera Hill
  6. Outcrop rock around Jijawenda Hill
  7. Bridges along Fela station – Mwanza road
  1. Describe the relief of the mapped area and show how it has influenced drainage of the area and settlement patterns.
  2. Using concrete evidence from the map suggest the type of the climate of the area.
  3. Find the backward bearing of Sangila Hill (grid reference 145022) from Ukiriguru dispensary (grid reference 029007).

Answer / Solution


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