Vibrations and waves questions | form five Physics

(5709) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

A cyslist and a railway train are approaching each other with a speed of 10ms-1 and 20ms-1 respectively. If the engine driver sounds a warning siren at a frequency of 480Hz, calculate the frequency of the note heard by the cyclist;

  1. Before the train has passed
  2. After the train has passed.

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(5710) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

  1. The equation y=asin(omega t-kx) represents a plane wave travelling in a medium along the x-direction , y being the displacement at the point x at time t. Deduce whether the wave is travelling in hte positive x-direction or the negative x-direction.
  2. If a=1.1	imes 10^{-7}m, omega =6.5	imes 10^{3}s^{-1}, k =19m^{-1}; determine the speed of the wave.

Answer / Solution


(5711) Question Category: Short answers

Briefly explain why diffraction is common in sound but not in light.

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(5712) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

A 40cm long wire is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency 256Hz, when stretched by a load of density 9g m-3 hanging vertically. The load is then immersed in water. By how much the length of the wire should be reduced to bring it again in unison with the same tuning fork.

Answer / Solution


(5713) Question Category: Short answers

Define the following terms;

  1. Intensity of sound
  2. Beats
  3. Ultrasonic
  4. Overtones

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