Applied entomology UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3059) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Analyze the three qualities of a pest in crop protection
  2. With reasons based on biology and morphology, describe the destructive stages of the following insect pests.
  1. The diamond backmoth(Plutella xylostella)
  2. The Hessian fly(Mayetiola destructor)
  3. The bean beetle(Ootheca spp)
  4. The stinking grasshopper(Zonocerus spp)
  5. Stink bug(Nezara viridula)

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(3060) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Explain the various ways of formulating a solid insecticidal compound
  2. Based on your knowledge on modes of uptake and application of insecticides, suggest the properties of a commercial product necessary for controlling the following pests,
  1. Adults of Bactrocera cucurbitae that oviposit on fruits of cucurbits, but do not feed on them
  2. The larvae of the stack eyed shoot fly Diopsis spp, that feed tunnel through the stem of rice
  3. The larvae of Tuta absoluta, that mine through tomato leaves
  4. The adults Sternochetus mangifarea, that do not feed on mango but whose larvae feed on the embryo of the seed
  5. Army worms, Spodoptera spp, whose adults are migratory and move in swarms.

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(3061) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Give a brief analysis of the key terms in definitions of IPM
  2. Explain the limitations of IPM
  3. Formulate an IPM program for the American bollworm ( Helicoverpa armigera) attacking cotton, based on the following information ONLY.

The american bollworm is a polyphagous species attacking tomato, beans and pigeon pea, among others. The insects survives on residues of cotton and wild relatives left in the field during off-season. This population is the main source of infestation of cotton. Despite this knowledge , some farmers are not willing to weed their farms, thus affecting even others who clean their farms. Furthermore, competition between weeds and cotton retard and weaken the crop  thus become more prone to attacks by H.armigera.  Insect control is discouraged , except when economic damage is recorded. The economic damage occurs when 50% of the examined plants show symptoms of damage by the bollworm.

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(3062) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Explain the use of Economic injury level (EIL) and Economic Threshold(ET) in pest management using General Equilibrium Position(GEP).
  2. Describe the main driving forces of Economic Injury Level.
  3. i. What are the key elements which must be taken into consideration when combining pest management tactics?
  1. Multiple tactics of pest management are better than single tactic. Discuss

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(3063) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Despite its good philosophy and rationale , integrated pest management is yet to be adopted as the main method of controlling insect pests in agriculture.Discuss
  2. Describe the bionomics of the following insect pests
  1. Helicoverpa spp
  2. Cosmopolites sordidus

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