Botany UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3307) Question Category: Long answers

A hedge specialist wanted to order seedlings from TANSEEDS for a good shade. What type of branching should be considered on his purchase order? State the reasons for that choice.

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(3308) Question Category: Matching items

Match the following statement by choosing a letter from B that carry the word or words that corresponding to the statements in list A.



  1. The apex divided into two apices of equal rank
  2. A type of branching found in hyphaene spp
  3. Stem which is generally branched and rarely unbranched
  4. An example of a plant with corms
  5. A plant with double modifications
  6. Slender structure growing from the leaf axils.
  7. Its apical meristem function only briefly
  8. Thick boat shaped structure found in Musa Paradiasca
  9. Small structures located in pairs at the base of the petiole
  10. Pits frequently occurring in the walls of certain parenchymatous cells.
  11. Thin strands of cytoplasm passing through the cell wall at intervals
  12. Parenchyma mostly found in the leaf mesophylls
  13. A type of sclereids found in pears
  14. A type of inflorescence found in Amarathus spp
  15. An aestivation when the petal overlap
  16. A calyx with free sepals
  17. Anthers attached to the filament at its base
  18. The mode of palacentation in Carica papaya
  19. The flower with ovary located at a position above the other floral parts
  20. Leaves that secret sticky liquid with attracting fragrance.


  1. Isotony
  2. Dichasium
  3. Dichotomous
  4. Rhizome
  5. Stolon
  6. Offest
  7. Colocasia esculentua
  8. Allium sativum
  9. Allium sepa
  10. Lilies
  11. Solunum Tuberosum
  12. Leaf tendril
  13. Stem tendril
  14. Thorn
  15. Prickle
  16. Spathy bracts
  17. Folicesous bracts
  18. Stipules
  19. Stipels
  20. Glands
  21. Simple pits
  22. Bordered pits
  23. Plasmodesmata
  24. Plasmallema
  25. Collenchyma
  26. Chlorenchyma
  27. Brachysclereids
  28. Osteosclereids
  29. Raceme
  30. Spike
  31. Imbricate
  32. Contorted
  33. Polysepalous
  34. Gamosepolous
  35. Basified
  36. Dorsifixed
  37. Superior
  38. Parietal
  39. Free central
  40. Hypogynous
  41. Tentacles
  42. Bladders


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(3309) Question Category: Short answers

Write one or two words which stand for each of the following botanic statements

  1. The type of determinate inflorescence where by the development of the terminal flower is followed by that of two opposite or sub-opposite lateral flowers
  2. Flower aestivation where the petals overlap in a such a way that one margin of one petal overlap the margin of adjacent one.
  3. A terminology indicating the attachment of the filament  to the back of the connective
  4. Wood fiber characterized by cells with extremely thick walls plus simple pits
  5. A fruit formed by involving the receptacle of the flower
  6. The scientific study of diversity of organisms
  7. The plant life of any given area
  8. Modified parasitic roots which penetrate the tissue of the host plant to extract nutrients
  9. A continued branching of more than teo branches of the same order
  10. A phyllotaxy where there are three or more leaves at a node
  11. A kind of corolla shapes forming a short narrow tube below but flattered above like a strap.
  12. A kind of stamen the anthers are united together in a bundle or tube , the filaments remaining free.
  13. A slightly raised area in the bark of a stem or root consisting of loosely arranged or unsuberized cells
  14. A kind of corolla shapes consisting of five petals with comparatively long claws plus the limbs of petals at right angles to the claws.
  15. A slender lateral branch that originate from the base of the stem then bends down into the ground and then strike roots and develop a bud which soon grows into a new plant.
  16. Stems made up of soft tissues, green  with naked buds which are active throughout their life.
  17. A name for plants with unbranched stems such as the stem of Cocos nucifera
  18. A kind of aestivation where the petals are spirally arranged i.e two petals are external , two are internal and the other petal is partly external.
  19. A kind of regular and polypetalous shape on which there are five petals with very short claws or none at all plus with limbs spreading regularly outwards
  20. The name given to photosynthetic parenchyma

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(3310) Question Category: Short answers

  1. Compared to artificial classification , give out only five justifications that natural classification have very high predictive value.
  2. Use the fluid mosaic model to describe the structure of the plasma membrane in relation to the function and selectivity.

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(3311) Question Category: Short answers

  1. With one good example on each mode , account for only five placentation modes in angiosperms
  2. With two good examples on each case , give a detailed description of the exactly five appendages of the leaf

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