Computer graphics UE Past Papers Questions.

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(643) Question Category: Short answers

what is color look up table (CLUT) ?. Briefly explain how CLUT saves the memory in computer graphics.

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(644) Question Category: Short answers

The following are some of devices used in computer system, for each devices describe how does it fit in computer graphics field.

  • data gloves
  • graphic tablet

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(645) Question Category: Short answers

consider raster systems with resolutions of 640x480 then:

  • What is the size of frame buffer (in bytes) for a system that stores 24 bits per pixel?
  • suppose the system loads the image at the rate of  1 Mbps (Megabits per second) how long in seconds does it take to make image completely visible on the screen.?

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(782) Question Category: Short answers

Write short notes on cathode ray tube

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(783) Question Category: Short answers

Write short notes on beam penetration

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