Database design and implementation UE Past Papers Questions.

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(1089) Question Category: Short answers

State four properties of a relation

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(1090) Question Category: Short answers

Design of any database system can take either Top-Down or Bottom -Up approach. Briefly explain the differences between these two approaches.

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(1091) Question Category: Short answers

Given the following case study , use it to answers the questions that follow.

An electoral commission of the United Republic of Tanzania intends to improve its voters book by 2020. The database will contain voter`s details such as voter's number ,firstname, middle name, surname, sex, date of birth, polling station id, village/street, ward, district and region.

The database will also have the records of all polling stations all over the country. The polling station particulars will include polling station id, name, street/village, ward, district and region in which it is found.

Furthermore the database will have directors responsible for overseeing the electoral activities of the commision in their respective districts . Each director has the following details; director id, first name, middle name, surname, sex, date of birth and working district.

A voter is not allowed to register in more than one polling sation , a polling station with less than 10 voters is not allowed in this system and each director is responsible to all polling stations that are found in his/her district.

  1. Analyse all the entities and attributes for each entity
  2. Draw an ERD (Entity relationship diagram) for scenario
  3. Identify the users of the system, write down the responsibilities for each
  4. Analyse all functional requirements from the scenario
  5. Write down the relational schema for the scenario
  6. Write down the physical schema
  7. Write the SQL command to create a voters table
  8. Write the SQL command to insert polling station information into the database
  9. Write SQL command to select all directors from the database

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