Econometrics UE Past Papers Questions.

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(2706) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

The following are random observations from a certain population : 15,25,35,20,30,65,72,87,89,78,89,98,102,69,56,78,89,56,67,89,90,89,56,90,78,56,98,103,56,79 and 56.


  1. The mean
  2. The mode
  3. The median
  4. The range
  5. The minimum
  6. The maximum
  7. The sample variance
  8. The population variance
  9. The sample standard deviation
  10. The population standard deviation.

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(2707) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

The table below shows data on X and Y observed from a certain population

X 1 2 3 4 5
Y 1 1 2 2 4

Given that Y=eta _{0}+eta_{1}X +mu ,

eta _{1} =frac{sum (X- overline{X})((Y- overline{Y}))}{sum (X- overline{X})^{2}}  and eta _{0} =overline{Y}- eta_{1} overline{X}

  1. Calculate the values of eta _{0} and eta _{1}
  2. Find hat{Y}
  3. Find the errors

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(2930) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

The following are results obtained from a linear regression model after post estimationof problems that are commonly encountered during the estimation process.

Model summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 976 953 944 4.53138 1.335

Predictors: (Constant), Farm income, Non wage income, Wage income

Dependent Variable Consumption, Expenditure


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig



















Predictors:(COnstant), Farm income, Non wage income, Wage income.

Dependent Variable: Consumption, expenditure


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 7.912 8.968   .882 .391    
Wage income 1.056 .173 .920 6.098 .000 .130 7.684
Non wage income .469 .659 .056 .711 .487 .476 2.100
Farm income .128 1.086 .016 .118 .908 .162 6.189
Dependent Variable: Consumption expenditure          

Using your knowledge on linear regression to answer the following questions

  1. Specify a regression model that was estimated and state whether the independent variables are jointly significant (use alpha=1%)
  2. Identify the coefficients of the regression model that are statistically significant at the level of significance of  0.01
  3. What problems were tested during the post estimation? What additional problem should have been tested?
  4. Is there any assumption of the ordinary least square model that was violated ?
  5. What is the best way(s) to deal with this/ these problem(s)?

Answer / Solution


(2931) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Y and X are sample data for crop yield and amount of fertilizer applied to the crop respectively

Crop yield(Y) 200 400 600 800 1000
Amount of fertilizer(X) 20 20 40 50 55

Given that Y=eta_{0}+eta_{1}X+mu , hat{eta_{1}}=frac{sum (X-ar{X})(Y-ar{Y})}{sum (X-ar{X})^{2}}, and eta_{0}=ar{Y}-eta_{1}ar{X}

  1. Calculate the estimates of eta_{0}  and eta_{1}
  2. Find hat{Y}_{n} for n=(1,2,3,4,5)
  3. Find the errors
  4. In view of theory on linear regression what is the expected value of errors?
  5. In practice what is the ideal way to test whether the values of the predicted errors are consistent with the theory?

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(2932) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

  1. What is confidence interval?
  2. Ready carefullly the data presented in the table below

Coursework grades for students enrolled in statistics at SUA.

Observation No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Score(%) 30 64 30 29 40 52 67 29 64 37 40 67 29 37
Observation No 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Score(%) 67 29 64 37 64 30 64 30 29 40 52 67 29 64
Observation No 29 30 31                      
Score(%) 37 40 67                      

Using the data presented in table above answer the following questions

  1. Find the sample variance and standard devication of these coursework grades
  2. Find the 95% confidence interval (C.I) for the true mean
  3. Based on this interval test whetehr the mean grade is at least 50%.

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