Evolution UE Past Papers Questions.

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(4401) Question Category: Matching items

Write the letter of the phrase from column Y that matches correctly with phrases given in column X.

  1. Evolution
  2. Adaptation
  3. Macroevolution
  4. Charles Lyell
  5. Gene flow
  6. Anagenesis
  7. Genetics variation
  8. Temporal Isolation
  9. Punctuated Equilibrium
  10. Alfred Russel Wallace
  1. Branching whereby a single lineage splits into two or more distinct lineages that continue to change anagenetically
  2. The alteration of the genetic properties of a single lineage over time.
  3. Responsible for both the remarkable similarities we see across all life and amazing diversity of that life.
  4. Source of natural selection and genetic drift.
  5. Genetic changes in a population that occurs within species and lower taxonomic groups.
  6. The evolutionary course of Equidae
  7. Ability of an individual to survive & reproduce
  8. Inherited characteristic that increases an organisms chance for survival
  9. Makes separate populations more similar genetically
  10. Geologic processes still changing Earth
  11. Organisms evolved from common ancestors
  12. Struggle for existence(resources)
  13. Prevent mating or fertilization even if mating occurs
  14. Prevent the offspring from being viable or fertile
  15. Evolution is occurring at a constant, steady rate
  16. Spurts” of evolution


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(4402) Question Category: Short answers

Mention three changes in which natural selection can be observed.

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(4403) Question Category: Short answers

List five evidence for evolution by natural selection.

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(4404) Question Category: Short answers

Mention three primary sources of genetic variations.

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(4405) Question Category: Short answers

Through the aid of illustrations describe sympatric speciation.

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