Genetics UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3828) Question Category: Short answers

Explain the criteria for extra-chromosomal inheritance.

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(3829) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Explain the following
  1. Genetic linkage and its types
  2. Practical significance of genetic linkage
  1. Giving examples  define Sex-limited traits

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(3830) Question Category: Short answers

With examples describe the term “Allopolyploid”.

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(3831) Question Category: Long answers

Explain the reasons why is it important partitioning of the variation into components.

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(3832) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

A plant breeder wants to decrease plant height of Coffee Arabica in a population. In this population, the mean plant height is 134cm. Plants with mean plant height of 75cm have been selected and used to develop next generation. If narrows sense heritability(h^{2}) for plant heightis 65%, What would be the average plant height in the next generation?

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