International agricultural trade UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3141) Question Category: True OR False

Consumer taste and preference is important in determining trade flows thus the in-and out flow of resources from one country to another.

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(3142) Question Category: True OR False

While improved technology allows a country to consume more by moving  to a higher production possibilities curve, international trade allows a country to consume more without moving out existing production possibilities curve.

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(3143) Question Category: True OR False

Due to structural constraints in Africa , Bilateral trade agreements may not have significant effects to African access to developed  country markets.

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(3144) Question Category: True OR False

Food safety regulations by themselves are not trade barriers but they can become trade barriers if they are not scientifically justifiable.

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(3145) Question Category: True OR False

Trade disputes can be settled by dispute settlement schemes in WTO, but all claims must be scientifically researched and approved.

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