International agricultural trade UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3014) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Briefly describe the five institutions that constitute the world bank group.
  2. Consider the tabulation below which comprise foreign exchange quotations given by a bank to a customer . The figures given are for the US dollar (US$) and Deutsche Marks (DM) against Sterling POunds and the word “premium” or “discount” imply that the foreign currency quoted at the head of the column is at premium or discount respectively.
Spot US$ DM
1.5-2.0 2.5-5
  Premium Premium
1 month forward 1.0-0.90 2.5-2.25
2 months forward 1.6-1.5 4.5-4.25
3 months forward 2.1-2 5.5-5.25
  1. At what rate will the bank buy spot dollars against sterling pounds?
  2. At what rate will the customer sell dollars one month forward against sterling pounds
  3. At what rate will the bank buy Deutsche Marks three months forward against sterling pounds?

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(3020) Question Category: Short answers

In the classical theories of international trade , theorist try to show that if countries are open to trade and they trade according to comparative advantage and /or based on resource endowment, trade will be mutually beneficial.

  1. Describe the two clasical theories you kinow and their assumptions
  2. Describe Porter`s theory of competitiveness contrasting with classical theories.

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(3021) Question Category: Long answers

Discuss the following terms as parts of concepts and principles of international trade

  1. Opportunity cost and comparative advantage
  2. Depreciation and devaluation and devaluation of a currency

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(3022) Question Category: Long answers

Using illustration briefly describe the effect of import Tariff and restrictive import quota imposed by a small country on its domestic market.

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(3023) Question Category: Long answers

Regional integration has many forms including Free Trade Area (FTA). COmmon MArket(CM), CUstom UNion (CU) and common currency. Explain what thesese forms are and their  implication in international  trade and competitivenes of regional groups in the wolrld market.

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