Introduction to agribusiness UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3206) Question Category: Long answers

A team can be defined as an organized group of individuals of varying skills and expertise who come together to achieve a specific / common  goal. In recent decades there has been a sharp increase in the use of work teams at work places in different proffessions. Using four elaborated points explain why is important to use work teams.

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(3207) Question Category: Short answers

“Agribusiness refers to the situation where by the agricultural enterprise is owned by corporate business and operates for profit maximization. Farmers produce crops for sale into the food markets or as raw materials in manufacturing . It generally involves large scale arable farms, and it is highly capital intensive and mechanized”.

  1. Using your knowledge of agribusiness , do you agree or disagree with this definition?
  2. Mention any three agribusiness you know in Tanzania giving brief description of what they do.
  3. Bearing in mind your answers in (a) and (b) above how would you explain the concept of agribusiness in a Tanzanian context to a layman.

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(3208) Question Category: True OR False

Farm production is the most important sector among the three agribusiness sectors.

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(3209) Question Category: True OR False

The three agribusiness sub-sectors are integrated ; any change that happens in one sub-sector may have a negative or positive implication to the other sub-sectors.

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(3210) Question Category: True OR False

Price collusion is among the agribusiness negative practices that deny the farmers their right to fetch fair prices for their produce.

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