Mineralogy and crystallography UE Past Papers Questions.

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(1819) Question Category: Short answers

Give reasons why Al^{3+} is able to substitute for Si^{4+} in SiO_{4} tetrahedra to form (AlO_{4})^{5-} units.

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(1820) Question Category: Short answers

What is the compositional difference that exists between Orthoclase (KAlSi_{3}O_{8}) and Leucite (KAlSi_{2}O_{6})?

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(1897) Question Category: Short answers

Why are nesosilicate minerals able to form equidimensional crystals?

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(1898) Question Category: Short answers

Most of the phyllosilicates are hydroxyl bearing minerals. Considering their structural arrangement , show by using a neat illustrated diagram, the location of the OH group in relation to the SiO_4 tetrahedra.

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(1899) Question Category: Long answers

The thirty two crystal classes you learnt in crytallography are grouped into six crystal systems of minerals. List all the six crystal systems in order of their increasing symmetry and differentiate them on the basis of their crystallographic axes. Also , give two examples of minerals that belong to each of the crystal system.

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