Natural resources management UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3464) Question Category: Short answers

  1. Differentiate Natural Resources from Natural Resources Tenure
  2. Natural resource managers argues that resources are constantly discovered , in other words what constitute a natural resource change over time, Justify.

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(3465) Question Category: Short answers

  1. What do you understand by the term co-management as applied in natural resource management ?
  2. What are the challenges of adopting co-management approach in management of natural resources?

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(3466) Question Category: Short answers

  1. How is community based natural resource management (CBNRM) approach differ from other conversional approaches of natural resource management.
  2. In the context of CBNRM, describe the role of local communities in natural resources management.

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(3467) Question Category: Short answers

  1. Differentiate global warming from climate change
  2. In the face of climate change, the global community, nations and local communities are undertaking actions along two primary tracks of mitigation and adaptation as away to diminishing the vulnerability of natural resources to climate change over time.
  1. With examples, differentiate mitigation from adaptation
  2. Briefly explain different forms of adaptation
  3. What is the realtionship between adaptation and vulnerability?

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