Production economics UE Past Papers Questions.

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(1422) Question Category: True OR False

Write short notes with illustration(mathematical or graphical) to indicate whether each of these statements is true or false.

  1. In a perfectly competitive market, the least cost condition is sufficient for profit maximization
  2. The minimum long run average variable cost is equal to the short run average cost of the least  efficient firm size.
  3. Returns to scale is synonymous to economiies of size
  4. The law of diminishing returns is used to plan production levels in the long run.

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(1423) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Consider the production function;

Y=100-3X_{1}^{2} +4X_1+2X_1X_2-5X_{2}^{2}+48X_2

If the product price is 1000 SHS and the factor prices are Px1=50SHS and Px2=100

  1. Find the equation representing the isoquant family of curves
  2. Find the equation for the expansion path
  3. Find the equation representing the isoclines family of curves
  4. What is the optimum combination of inputs?

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(1424) Question Category: Long answers

Derive the criteria for optimum allocation of a bundle of resources when you have to produce more than one product.

  1. Illustrate graphically and discuss the needed resource adjustment in order to achieve the maximum secondary product wheni.
  1. frac{	riangle X_1}{	riangle X_2}< frac{P_{x2}}{P_{x1}}
  2. frac{	riangle Y_1}{	riangle X_1}>frac{P_{x1}}{P_{y}}
  3. frac{	riangle Y_1}{	riangle X_2}>frac{	riangle Y_2}{	riangle X_2}

Where X1 and X2 are resources; and Y1 and Y2 represent the same products produced from two different units. Px1 and Px2 and Py1 and Py2  and PY2 are the factor and product prices respectively.

  1. Illustrate graphically and discuss the required resource adjustment in order to achieve the maximum secondary product when;

frac{	riangle Y_1}{	riangle Y_2}>frac{	riangle X_1}{	riangle X_2}

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(1425) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Basic economic principles show that for profit to be maximized there must be optimum allocation of resources as guided by the equi-marginal value product criteria;

  1. Does this creteria account for resources constraints? Explain
  2. A firm manager is required to maximize production subject to resource constraints as follows:

Y=(X_1)^2+(X_2)^2-2 subject to X_1+4X_2=2

  1. Compute the optimum combinations of inputs
  2. Compute the shadow price of each of resource in physical terms
  3. What is the interpretation of the shadow price?
  4. Why is constrained optimization necessary in production economics?

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