Tourism, environment and development UE Past Papers Questions.

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(2642) Question Category: Long answers

Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere was once quoted saying: “I personally am not interested in animals. I do not want to spend my holidays watching crocodiles. Nevertheless, I am entirely in favour of their survival. I believe that after diamongs and sisal, wild animals will provide Tanganyika with its greatest source of income. Thousands of Americans and Europeans have the strange urge to see these animals” (Source : Nyerere 1961).

Using Mwalimu`s words

  1. Outline any two benefits of tourism
  2. With the aid of schematic diagram, show how tourism can lead to sustainable development.

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(2643) Question Category: Long answers

  1. What is climate change?
  2. Describe ways through which tourism industry and its practices can contribute towards mitigating negative impacts of climate change on the environment.

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(2644) Question Category: Short answers

With examples differentiate between the following

  1. Mass tourism and sustainable tourism
  2. Pro-poor tourism and eco-tourism

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(2645) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Using  Prescott-Allen`s model of Egg of Sustainability, show important conditions for a society to be sustainable.
  2. Why is planning in a tourism destination important (give any three 3 reasons)
  3. Mention any three negative impacts of tourism on the environment
  4. As a natural resources manager , list any four tools you would use to ensure that tourism does not harm the environment.

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