Fluid dynamics questions | form five Physics

(4872) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

  1. With the aid of a diagram describe a simple laboratory experiment to measure Young`s modulus of a wooden bar acting as a loaded cantilever from its period of vibration given that the depression S is given by S=frac{WL^{3}}{3IE}
  2. Two small spheres each of mass 10g are attached to a light rod 50cm long . The system is set into oscillation and the period of torsional oscillation is found tobe 770seconds. To produce maximum torsion to the system two larger spheres each of mass 10 kg are placed near each suspended sphere, if the angular deflection of the suspended rod is small 3.196	imes 10^{-3}  rad and the distance between the centers is of the large spheres is 10cm, determine the value of the universal constant of graviation ,G, from the given information.
  3. Write the Continuity and Bernoullis` equations as applied to fluid dynamics.
  4. i. )Under what conditions is Bernoullis` equation applicable?

ii.)Discuss two(2) applications of the Bernoullis`equation

  1. i.)Developan equation to determine the velocity of a fluid in a venture meter pipe.

ii.)What amount of fluid passes through a section at any given time?

Answer / Solution


(4877) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

a) i. Give the meaning of the terms velocity gradient , tangential stress and coefficient of viscosity as used in fluid dynamics .

  1. Write stroke`s equation defining clearly the meaning of all symbols used.
  2. State two assumptions used to develop the equation in a) (ii) above
  1. Calculate the terminal velocity of the rain drops falling in air assuming that the flow is laminar, the rain drops are spheres of diameter 1mm and the coefficient of viscosity, eta =1.8	imes 10^{-5}Ns/m^{2}
  2. Water flows past a horizontal plate of area 1.2 m^{2}.If its velocity gradient and coefficient of viscosity adjacent to the plate are 10s^{-1} and 1.3 	imes 10^{-5}Nsm^{-2} respectively, calculate the force acting on the plate.
  3. A horizontal pipe of cross sectional area 10cm^{2} has one section of cross sectional area 5cm^{2}. If water flows through, and the pressure difference between the two sections is 300Pa, how many cubic meters of water will flow out of the pipe in 1 minute?

Answer / Solution


(5580) Question Category: Short answers

State two factors which determine the magnitude of viscous force.

Answer / Solution


(5581) Question Category: Short answers

Identify two limitations and three importances of applying Stokes’ law in fluids motion.

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(5582) Question Category: Short answers

Identify two limitations and three importances of applying Stokes’ law in fluids motion.

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