Fluid dynamics questions | form five Physics

(5598) Question Category: Short answers

Give reasons for the following observations as applied in fluid dynamics.

  1. A flag flutter when strong winds are blowing on a certain day.
  2. A parachute is used while jumping from an airplane
  3. Hotter liquids flow faster than cold ones.

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(5599) Question Category: Short answers

  1. Write down the Bernoulli`s equation for fluid flow in a pipe and indicate the term which will disappear when the fluid is stopped.
  2. Name the principle on which the continuity equation is based.
  3. Basing on the applications of Bernoulli`s principle, briefly explain why two ships which are moving parallel and close to each other experience an attractive force.

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(5600) Question Category: Short answers

A sphere is dropped under gravity through a fluid of viscosity, eta. Taking average acceleration as half of initial acceleration , show that the time taken to attain terminal velocity if independent of fluid density.

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(5601) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe having different cross-sections at two points A and B. The diameters of the pipe at A and B are 0.6m and 0.2m respectively. The pressure difference between point A and B is 1m column of water. Calculate the volume of water flowing per second.

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(5602) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

The flow rate of water from a tap of diameter 1.25cm is 3 litres per minute. The coefficient of viscosity of water is 10-1Nsm-2. Determine the Reynolds number and then state the type of flow of water.

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