Forces that affect the earth questions | form three Geography

(4364) Question Category: Multiple choices

Which among the following features are produced by wave erosion?
A Geo, wave cut platform and stack
B Blow hole, sea arch and levee
C Sea arch, beach and stump
D Beach, spit and bars.
E Tombolo, meander and cliff.

Answer / Solution

A Geo, wave cut platform and stack

(4367) Question Category: Short answers

Define the following terms:
(i) Distributaries.
(ii) Lagoon.
(iii) Levee.

Answer / Solution

(i) Distributaries:Are small channels of the river formed when the river is forced to divide. These channels take water from the river to the ocean, sea or lake.


(ii) Lagoon: Is an area of water surrounded by distributaries and their deposits.


(iii) Levee: Levees are ridge-like features produced as a result of deposition of sediments along the bank of the river in the flood plain.


(4368) Question Category: Short answers

Delta is formed under different conditions. Outline three conditions necessary for its formation.

Answer / Solution

Delta is a low-lying swampy plain formed as a result of accumulation of deposits at the mouth of the river valley.

The following are three conditions necessary for delta formation:

  1. There should be active erosion in the upper course and middle course so that the river can have a large load of deposition materials.
  2. The velocity of the river in the mouth must be low to allow deposition, for this to happen the there should be a gently sloping land along the cost.
  3. The load should be deposited faster than its removal by the acion of tides, waves and currents.


(4986) Question Category: Multiple choices

Mitomingi was wondering the way large amount of soil and rock materials were sliding
downward towards the steep slope. What geological processes were occurring in that

  1. Weathering and erosion
  2. Deposition and transportation
  3. Weathering and denudation
  4. Mass wasting and transportation
  5. Erosion and transportation

Answer / Solution


(4995) Question Category: Matching items

Match the descriptions of karst region features in ​ Column A with the corresponding feature in
Column B by writing the letter of the corresponding answer beside the item number in the
answer booklet provided.


Answer / Solution


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