Forces that affect the earth questions | form three Geography

(2802) Question Category: Multiple choices

Tilting of the electricity poles and fences on slopes are works of
A weathering
B denudation
C steepness of slope
D mass wasting
E deposition.

Answer / Solution


(2803) Question Category: Multiple choices

Absence of drainage on the surface in the limestone region is the direct result of
A very low rains in the area
B presence of swallow holes
C the big rivers which swallow small rivers
D presence of deep gorges
E presence of sound and big pores.

Answer / Solution


(2804) Question Category: Multiple choices

The following are marine depositional features:
A Beach, lagoons and sand spits
B Beach, fringing reef and stump
C Beach, stump and atoll
D Tombolo, delta and headland
E Headland, geo and stacks.

Answer / Solution


(2805) Question Category: Multiple choices

When the river flows in its long profile it performs the following geological activities:
A Moves fast and can carry everything on the earth’s surface
B Erodes, transports and deposits weathered materials
C Meanders and forms ox-bow lakes throughout the profile
D Does three functions such as abrasion, solution and attrition
E Acts as agent of weathering and erosion along the profile.

Answer / Solution


(2806) Question Category: Multiple choices

Landforms formed by vulcanicity can be divided into
A Many parts according to the nature of lava
B Sills, dykes, valleys and earthquakes only
C Volcanic mountains and sills only
D Extrusive and intrusive features
E Batholiths, dykes and volcano only.

Answer / Solution


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