Nutrition questions | form two Biology

(476) Question Category: Multiple choices

Plants and animals differ in their mode of

  • Feeding
  • Growing
  • Excreting

Answer / Solution

B [ Feeding ]

(479) Question Category: True OR False

The following statements are either true or false.Write true for true statement as well as false for false statement.

  • Obesity is the sign of poor health
  • Some laboratory accidents can be avoided by reading warning signs on chemical containers
  • A plant has a large permanent vacuole
  • Light intensity affects the rate of transpiration
  • Women genitial mutilation is a type of good sexual health
  • Fish absobs dissolved oxygen from the water by means of gills
  • Millon's reagent is used to test for a reducing sugar
  • First aid is the first ambulance of the hospital
  • Classification is the study of animals only
  • Scientific experiments are conducted in laboratory

Answer / Solution

  • true
  • true
  • true
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • false
  • false
  • true

(482) Question Category: Short answers

List six components of balanced diet

Answer / Solution

The following are the components of a balanced diet.

  1. Protein
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Vitamins
  4. Minerals
  5. Fats
  6. Water

(483) Question Category: Short answers

Differentiate between homo dent and hetero dent dentition

Answer / Solution


(484) Question Category: Short answers

Name four types of teeth found in mammals

Answer / Solution


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