Operations research UE Past Papers Questions.

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(2754) Question Category: Long answers

  1. Define the term “Operating Characteristics” as used in Queuing analysis.
  2. It has been said that lines forms because people or things arrive at the servicing function or server faster than they can be served. Critically give your comments.
  3. Briefly outline the important factors to consider when analyzing a queing system.

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(2755) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

The PCM Ltd makes two kinds of tables-end tables(X1) and coffee tables(X2). The manufacture is restricted by material and labor constraints, as shown in the following linear programming formulation.

Maximize Z=200x_{1}+300x_{2}(profit,$)

Subject to

egin{align*} 2x_{1}+5x_{2} leq 180(labor hr) 3x_{1}+3x_{2}leq 135(wood, ft) x_{1}, x_{2}geq0 end{align*}

The final optimal simplex tableau for this problem is as follows:

C_{j} 200 300 0 0
  Basic variables Quantity X1 X2 S1 S2
300 X2 30 0 1 1/3 -2/9
200 X1 15 1 0 -1/3 5/9
  Z_{j} 12,000 200 300 100/3 400/9
  C_{j}-Z_{j}   0 0 -100/3 -400/9
  1. Formulate the dual for this problem
  2. Define the dual variables and indicate their values.
  3. What is the importance of the duality theory to the agribusiness managers?

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(2756) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

Solve the following linear programming model using the Simplex method.

Maximize Z=20X_{1}+10X_{2}

Subject to

egin{align*} X_{1}+X_{2}=150 \ -X_{1}geq -40 \ X_{2}geq 20 \ X_{1}, X_{2}geq 0 end{align*}


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(2757) Question Category: Short answers

Define the following terminologies as used in Management Science

  1. Break-even point
  2. Model parameter
  3. Management science approach

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(2758) Question Category: Mathematical Calculation

The Anna Lunodzo Dairy Co. Ltd makes cheese, which it sells at international supermarkets. The fixed monthly cost of production is $4,000 and the variable cost per pound of cheese is $0.21. The cheese sells for $0.75 per pound; however, the dairy is considering raising the price to $0.95 per pound. The dairy currently produces and sells 9,000 pounds of cheese per month, but if it raises its price per pound, sales will decrease to 5,700 pounds per month. Should the dairy raise the price? Why?

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