Introduction to agribusiness UE Past Papers Questions.

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(3221) Question Category: Multiple choices

Food companies in the country are trying to sell more products overseas because.

  1. The growth potential of the domestic market is small
  2. Overseas customers aren`t getting what they need from their local suppliers
  3. Other countries are encouraging the food companies to enter their market
  4. They want to take advantage  of the niche markets abroad.

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(3222) Question Category: Multiple choices

What happens in one part of the value chain has implication on other parts of the chain , which of the following would cause a change in the demand for maize.

  1. A large harvest of maize
  2. A reduction in the price of fertilizer
  3. A change in the price of maize
  4. A change in per capita income
  5. All of the above

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(3223) Question Category: Multiple choices

The incidences of salmonella contamination in the fish from East Africa have greatly increased inspections of the fish we export to Europe and America. The additional costs of inspecting and testing fish for food safety should.

  1. Make fish prices fall in Tanzania
  2. Cause food retailers to absorb the extra expense
  3. Make consumer fish prices abroad fall
  4. Increase the consumer fish prices abroad
  5. Increase the consumer fish prices in the domestic market
  6. Not affect the market  equilibrium
  7. None of the above

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(3224) Question Category: Multiple choices

Without value addition , most of agricultural products remains undifferentiated and thus faces stiff competition; undifferentiated products

  1. Are difficult to substitute
  2. Can compete only on the basis of price and availability
  3. Can easily enter new markets because they are well known
  4. Can easily be sustituted  by products from other suppliers

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(3225) Question Category: Long answers

The agribusiness subsector has been stagnant for the past decades in Tanzania; due to its performance there emerges a need for private sector intervention into the development of the sector. The private sector includes firms/corporation that has been established inside as well as outside the country. Give examples of such private corporations and discuss at least five of its roles in improving the agribusiness subsector.

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