Principles of curriculum development and evaluation curriculum development UE Past Papers Questions.

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(1244) Question Category: True OR False

In the first three stages of curriculum development , ALL curriculum evaluation attempts are geared to know if learners achieved the objectives or whether the programme produced the desired outcomes.

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(1245) Question Category: True OR False

Development of broad field curriculum and development of the competence -based curriculum is an example of  curriculum reforms observed in Tanzania.

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(1246) Question Category: True OR False

Tyler`s goal attainment model is aimed to determine the extent to which the student behaviours stipulated in the objectives are realized in practice.

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(1247) Question Category: True OR False

 Write the letter of a corressponding statement from LIST B against an item in LIST A.


1. content related validity of curriculum evaluating instrument

  1. helical or spiral designing of curriculum
  2. are the graduates performing well?
  3. Scriven`s goal free model
  4. placement evaluation

a. demands evaluator to know the objectives first

  1. impacts of behaviourism and constructivism psychologists
  2. a question asked during input evaluation
  3. continuous assessments done by students in every course
  4. refer to the relationship between scores obtained instrument “A” and those obtained using instrument “B” or “C” during curriculum evaluation
  5. a question asked during product evaluation
  6. refer to the comprehensiveness and adequacy of the content and format of any evaluation instrument
  7. one of the impacts of cognitive psychologists on curriculum
  8. demands evaluator to function as an unbiased observer
  9. Englsh qualifying test done by every first year st SUA before commencement of university studies.


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